úterý 15. března 2022

Barbie®Extra Doll #5 in Long-Fringe Denim Jacket with Pet Puppy (2021)

V březnu 2021 jsem si vyzvedla Barbii Extra s duhovými copy. Kvůli Covidu-19 byla hračkářství uzavřena, takže jsem ji musela objednat z internetu a čekat, s jakou malbou tváře mi přijde. Malbu má naštěstí souměrnou, jen je to pixelový typ, což se Mattelu začalo asi v roce 2020 bohužel velmi líbit. Tvář je Daya 2016.
Vlasy panenky jsou barevné, proto hrozilo, že bude mít nekvalitní tuhý materiál, což  Mattel pro barevné vlasy často používá. A opravdu má. Ale tím, že vlasy jsou zapletené v copech, mi to tolik nevadí, rozplétat vlasy nemám v úmyslu, právě se mi líbí tak, jak jsou, kvůli tomu jsem ji i kupovala.


Oficiální text výrobce:


Barbie® Extra dolls rock bold fashions and bright colors, and they make big statements! Each Barbie® doll has their own unique style that’s playful and over the top. And their pets -- each different and all adorable -- have tons of personality, too! Barbie® Extra lets kids explore self-expression through style and offers an exciting fashion and styling play experience with posable dolls. They are all about having fun with fashion with glitter, gummy bears, emojis and stand-out hair -- bringing EXTRA vibes wherever they go. Each sold separately, subject to availability. Dolls cannot stand alone. Colors and decorations may vary. 

 When it comes to fashion, Barbie® Extra dolls have a ‘more is more’ attitude, featuring 15 pieces that include clothing and fashion accessories, as well as a pet and pet accessories. 
Barbie® doll’s hairstyle goes big with rainbow-colored hair styled in 2 thick braids. 
A fun and playful look showcases her confident style with a graphic tee and denim shorts with real pockets layered with a flame-print denim jacket with extra-long fringe on the arms. 
Barbie® doll’s accessories -- a cell phone purse, micro-sunglasses, jewelry, green socks and brown boots -- add personal expression and unexpected moments of storytelling fun. 
The puppy figure is oh-so-EXTRA, too, with a playful expression and a bright pink car of its own. 
Kids 3 to 9 years old can collect these dolls, discover Barbie® and play out stories of confidence and self-expression! 
SKU #: GRN29